Try not to look at delivery areas as silos within your organization. Yes, each delivery area has its own responsibilities — that’s true — but delivery areas also work collectively to propel you and your clients forward. Silos hinder communication within any business. It’s up to you to break them down and prevent them from rising back up in the future.
All delivery services within your organization are connected
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: TruMethods has identified five core service delivery areas; Professional Services, Centralized Services, Support, Technology Alignment and vCIO. All five delivery areas work together within your organization. The vCIO needs Technology Alignment just as much as centralized services needs professional services and support. Don’t believe me? Let’s quickly review how and why the Technology Alignment Manager (TAM) within your organization collaborates with other delivery areas.
Your TAM is responsible for the standards and alignment process, right? With regard to this process, who’s your net admin’s closest ally? Yes, your vCIO. Don’t forget this: Your TAM and vCIO are tied at the hip. Your TAM first assesses clients from a technical perspective to determine whether there are misalignments. Then, afterward, your vCIO uses your TAM’s report to consider potential business impacts.
What about other delivery areas? Well, your TAM shares technical environment changes with centralized services, transfers project knowledge with professional services and teaches support on how to train clients on using your MSP’s internal support team. Now, as far as improving communication between your company’s delivery areas, try holding service meetings, but in order for them to be effective, there must be structure
Structured meetings create a free flow of information between delivery areas
Service meetings are needed because they provide discipline and accountability, encourage team members to educate one another, identify issues, create solutions, and, most importantly, encourage structured communication between service delivery areas.
What shouldn’t your employees be doing during service meetings? Complaining about clients, reprimanding team members, making excuses about poor delivery or painting a rosy picture of the future. If you’re unsure of how to hold effective meetings for your team members, there are several key components to running great meetings to keep in mind. They include structure, rhythm, brutal honest, positive motivation and metrics.
Are you encouraging daily huddles, weekly service desk meetings, bi-weekly professional services meetings, monthly service desk meetings, and quarterly vCIO and TAM meetings? If not, you’ve still got time to implement your rhythm
How to implement a rhythm in your business
If you think about it logically, there should only be two steps to success, right?: You learn what to do, and then you do it. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple, so we at TruMethods put together four steps to success: desire, knowledge, discipline and belief. The third step is what keeps our rhythm going. It keeps us on track, and it’s how we as business owners repeat positive outcomes time and time again. We’ll keep communication open among all five delivery areas by staying committed to the rhythm.
On the TruMethods portal, there’s an entire lesson on how you can implement what’s known “success rhythm” in your business. The lesson itself is about an hour long, but I’ll tell you this much: It’s well worth your time. The video reviews annual activities, quarterly activities, monthly activities, weekly activities and daily activities you’ll need to commit to if achieving success in your business is one of your goals (and I’m sure it is).
The delivery areas in your business work together (they rely on one another daily), and in order for them to produce positive results, they’ll need to learn to communicate effectively. You can facilitate this by establishing structured meetings and staying disciplined in how these meetings are being conducted and how frequently they’re held.