As an MSP your service offering is critical to your success. Your service offering “edges” should always evolve as your business grows and matures. If you haven’t taken a step back to assess your edges, then maybe you should begin today. With regard to edges, over time, you’ve learned what works, what doesn’t and why. Take the knowledge on pricing and packing you’ve acquired to redefine your edges.
If you’re unfamiliar with what we mean by the word “edges,” here’ a quick definition: Edges defines to a customer (and your team) exactly what’s included in your monthly fee and what would be charged for outside the scope of the agreement.
If you’re unsure of where to begin when redefining your edges, don’t worry so much about it. We at TruMethods are here to help, and we’ve always got some kind of a process ready for you to follow — no matter the topic area. When you’re redefining edges, consider the following questions before making any additional changes:
- Are our edges easy to understand without detailed knowledge of your contract?
- Can clients understand our service without knowledge of IT-specific terms?
- Does your offering divide up support areas logically?
- Is it simple for end-users and support staff to understand?
- Can I explain our unique end-result quickly and easily?
Don’t worry so much about comparing your edges to somebody else’s. The truth is everybody uses different edges. There’s no single right answer. What’s important is whether your edges are clearly defined. What does that mean exactly? Simply, your edges should be black and white. You, your team members and your clients should all be able to understand your edges. If everybody’s not on board, then maybe there’s something wrong with your service offering edges. Are they a bit on the “fuzzy” side?
We at TruMethods don’t endorse what we consider to be fuzzy edges, and neither should you. For instance, from what I’ve seen over the years, offering “unlimited support” isn’t a defined enough edge. The term itself is too vague, and when an edge isn’t clear — or fuzzy — confusion typically ensues. Think about this for a second. What does “unlimited support” even mean? What kind of support is included? Does “unlimited support” include remote support? Does this support include on-site support?
When you’re redefining your edges, try to keep things simple. This process doesn’t have to be difficult. Do your best to answer the following top questions when defining edges:
- What’s included?
- What’s not included?
- What’s the end result of your client’s business?
The best way to define your edges is by service delivery area. Let’s use centralized services as an example. Which tools are included? RMM? Backup? AV? Which processes are automated? Monitoring? Patching? Which types of devices do you support? BYOD? Servers? Phones? Go through each service delivery to define the edges accordingly.
Your salespeople will thank you for clearly defined edges, too. It’ll be easier for them to pitch the value of your company’s service offering package to prospects. They’ll be able to see exactly what they’d be paying for each month if they decide to go with your company. This will ease their worries, and make your salespeople’s live a bit easier.
When you’re redefining edges, always be sure to examine what’s worked for you in the past. Then make adjustments accordingly. Always remember this: Everybody has their own edges based on the offerings they provide. There’s no right answer. Being different is okay. Your edges should be defined and provide a clear sense of what’s to be expected from all parties involved. Keep it as simple as possible, and you’ll be fine.