Along with The Cyber Call, a weekly 30-minute collaborative production, we’re hosting a two-day virtual event for MSPs looking to move their cybersecurity postures forward in a world with an ever-evolving threat landscape.
Experts from around the industry will come together on February 23rd and 24th to combine their security knowledge to give you an event you can’t afford to miss.
Over the course of these two days, our hosts, made up of cybersecurity and IT professionals, will be conducting a variety of webinars, interactive tabletops, and in-depth planning sessions to make sure that 2021 is the safest year yet for MSPs.
The MSP Cyber Resilience Workshopis centered on cyber resilience.
What is cyber resilience? Cyber resilience is your business’s ability to continually deliver exceptional IT services despite adverse cybersecurity events. The MSP Cyber Resilience Workshop will be every MSP’s go-to-guide to ensure they’re not only cyber resilient but ready to capitalize on these opportunities.
Some of the sessions include MSP Cyber Capability and The Cyber Resilience Gap, Building an Incident Response Plan for Success, Vulnerability Scanning and Exploitation, and Go-to-market and How to Sell an “Assume Breach” Offering. View the full agenda here.
The event will have education for the business leaders and the technical leaders in your organization, so be sure to extend the invite to your whole team! If you haven’t already registered, you can save your seat here.
Make it a great day and I’ll see you at the event!