We are all in a business that can be all-consuming. Customers, tickets, employees, issues — it’s so easy to get up every day and plow through endless work. But today, I want to ask an important question, “Where do we go from here?”
This question should be answered from both a business and personal perspective. From a business standpoint, beyond your sales or profitability goals, where’s your business headed? The market is changing. Competitors are not the same. The size and complexity of our customers are evolving. Where does this leave you? What niche will you fill? What target prospects will you be able to gain a competitive advantage with in the future?
We’ve reached a point where most MSPs won’t be able to provide the same services they did in the past. This means you’re going to have to choose customers more carefully, and some of those referrals you receive will no longer be a fit for you, and lead generation will become even more important.
Next, think of where you’re going personally. Based on your age, your current net worth, and your plans for the future, what does your business need to generate in terms of growth, profitability, and valuation? If you’re not sure, start with using a retirement calculator, or better yet, find a qualified fiduciary.
Finally, consider your key team members in the same way. This process will make business goals more meaningful, and in most cases, more urgent. Invest more time in the business planning process and gaining command of your business, so that you can set the right priorities and execute the most important tasks each quarter.
Find some quiet time this weekend to take a step back and really think about where you’re headed.