Employee Burnout: What You Should Know

There’s been a lot of talk about employee burnout recently. With the labor shortage not getting any better, employers are demanding more from their employees, which is negatively impacting employee morale and productivity. Being able to identify employee burnout and prevent it from happening in the first place can make all the difference.

Employee burnout is a real problem and can harm your business if you choose to ignore it. Twenty-five percent of leaders feel that their employees are thriving emotionally and mentally, while 79 percent of leaders have seen a decrease in productivity because of employee burnout, according to a report published by Leadership IQ.

At some point, your employees may feel burnt out. What’s important is you’re able to identify when this happens and need to adjust accordingly.

Are your employees burning out?

No matter the size of your organization, employee burnout is a possibility, especially when you’re short-staffed. If you’re worried about employee burnout, there are several key indicators to look for in your organization. Spotting them should be relatively easy if you’ve taken the time to get to know your employees and can recognize subtle differences in their moods and emotions. Has temperament changed? Are more people putting in for PTO days? Are your employees checking in with you less frequently? Are they showing up late to work? If negative changes in employee behavior are evident, you may have a problem on your hands.

Avoiding Burnout in the First Place

While there are times when you’re going to get busy, preventing employee burnout is possible if you’re willing to put in the effort and take the necessary steps. First, pay attention to your employees. Check-in with them regularly. Simply asking how they’re doing and talking with them can go a long way and help you with identifying potential problems early on. Make sure your employees know how much you care about them. Despite all the ups and downs, it should never be a doubt in their minds. Prioritizing well-being in the workplace should be one of your goals for 2022. Also, don’t forget to have fun. Make it a point to order lunch regularly or plan quarterly events. If your employees are working remotely, send them lunch and hold virtual events. Provide a flexible work schedule if possible. Work shouldn’t be a place where employees dread going every morning.

Having Well-defined Roles

One of the most important things you can do is give every employee a well-defined role. We all need to know what success looks like. If we don’t, we don’t know what we’re working toward (and that can be draining). Unfortunately, many MSPs have loosely defined roles for their employees, meaning everyone wears many hats. (Of course, this is going to lead to employee burnout!) Never-ending workloads aren’t healthy, and they will lead to employees being burnt out. There needs to be a light at the end of the tunnel for everyone.

Don’t be so hard on yourself if your employees are feeling burnt out. You’re not a failure as a leader. It just means what you’re doing isn’t working and you should reevaluate your strategy and approach.

TOPICS: leadershipMSP adviceMSP success
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