Do you know what time of the year it is? I’ll give you a hint. Many would say it’s the most wonderful time of the year! No, I’m not talking about the Christmas season (although that’s right around the corner, too). Everybody from all walks of life celebrates the season I’m talking about — selling season. And this selling season will be a big one for all of us! I’ll go even further and predict this will be the biggest selling season of all time based on market trends.
For our new folks, selling season is the timeframe between the beginning of September and the end of the year when conditions are optimal for generating more monthly recurring revenue (MRR). This is the time of year when decision-makers are planning for the rest of 2023 and beginning to think about 2024. They’re evaluating their businesses and making decisions — and we need to be part of that process.
It is your job to achieve sales goals every quarter, but during the selling season, you hit the gas. There’s something about the psychology of this time of year as business leaders turn their attention to the end of the year. I have seen the impact of selling season over several decades. Every SMB has a new business plan based on the changing economy and all the other dynamics, which means they’re more open to talking and listening. Use this opportunity to get in front of them!
You have all the tools you need. Our message of technology success resonates even more with all the changes prospects see. You also have great wedges with security and collaboration. There’s no reason not to take advantage of the moment. It is “go time,” and that means you kick things into overdrive. If you already have a strategy, now’s the time to accelerate. If you’re still without a plan, this is the moment to formulate one.
New customers at the right price are the lifeblood of every profitable and thriving MSP. When I owned my MSP, I had a self-instruction card that I read every day: “Every day, I stay focused on finding new customers. I don’t let busy work get in my way. Success is too important.”
What are you still doing here? The selling season is upon us. Get out there and sell!