The pandemic has caused so much uncertainty for MSPs, but has also given them a great opportunity to fight back against the pandemic and make 2021 their best year yet. You may be thinking, “That sounds great…but where do I start?” Here are some free TruMethods webinars on topics like security, business planning, and compliance to put your business on the right track to becoming world class.
TruMethods Webinars:
The MSP Cyber Resilience Workshop
This workshop took place on February 23rd-24th and included experts from around the industry providing you with frameworks and strategies to become cyber resilient. Cyber resilience is your business’s ability to continually deliver exceptional IT services despite adverse cybersecurity events. These two days were filled with webinars, interactive tabletops, and in-depth planning sessions to ensure that 2021 is your MSP’s safest year yet.
Security Tabletop: Developing Your Incident Response Plan
Do you have a plan for handling a possible security breach? Have you run through that plan? During this interactive session, our group of security experts explained the crucial steps to be taken during your next security breach. You can watch the session recording now and walk away with strategies you can implement immediately to secure your MSP.
Key Steps to Creating Your Incident Response Plan
In this webinar, our experts dove a little deeper into your Incident Response Plan. What should be included? How do you work with external entities (legal, insurance, PR, etc.)? How do you get your team empowered to handle the next security breach? A tabletop simulation is also included to reveal how your current plan would hold up if a breach was to occur.
The MSP Success Summit was a five-day virtual event that ended with a great live panel discussion. Each day, we gave away a free resource to help you climb up the mountain of MSP success. You can still grab all of these resources today and watch the live panel discussion, where our industry experts further explained these resources and gave their perspectives on how COVID-19 has impacted their business.