We have entered the heart of summer — a time when many take vacations, soaking in the sun’s warmth and enjoying precious moments with family and friends. Personally, I find myself reshuffling my schedule to prioritize leisurely pursuits during this season — and I think it’s a fantastic thing to do.
However, while we cherish these moments of relaxation, we cannot lose sight of our overarching goals and quarterly objectives. Our sales targets, professional service commitments, billing goals and more mustn’t be overlooked or dismissed due to summertime schedules or vacations. We must ensure that we consistently achieve our milestones every quarter. Striving toward and reaching these objectives can become integral to a fulfilling summer — it’s all about the mindset.
I was introduced to this perspective early in my career as a young salesperson. I had the privilege of being part of several large sales organizations and observing a wide spectrum of behaviors. I noticed a pattern among some salespeople — they would use the summer holidays and vacations as a reason for not meeting their monthly or quarterly sales goals. On the other hand, I saw the top performers achieving consistent results month after month, irrespective of external circumstances or events. They always had a plan that accounted for these variables. This was a profound lesson for me, one that I have since integrated into my ethos as a business leader.
So, take some time to reflect on this. Decide that you and your team will consistently achieve results across all quarters every year, regardless of the season. After all, success is not seasonal but the result of unwavering commitment and planning.