Each day seems to present you with new challenges, but think about it: Are they really all that “new”?
When you look back over the course of your career,take into considerationthe problems you’ve faced. Are they the same ones you’re dealing with now? If so, why is that the case?
I’ve knownnumerousTruMethods Members for many years now.WhileI’ve seenmanyof themobtainedincredible growth,others have struggled with achieving goals.
No matter what you tell them, some people find themselves in the same cycle year after year. This could be due to personal issues, lack of sales, low profitability or culture. For them, every time an issue gets solved, another pops up — kind of like whack-a-mole.
Instead of being proactive, they’re reactive. They keep finding themselves in the same cycle. If this sounds like you, you’re probably thinking the following: How do I keepsolve my problems?
First, take some time and try to separate problems from causes (or what I like to call “root causes”). Is there one thing you can really focus on that will help solve other issues you’re having?
Here one common example for an MSP:If you had a stronger, more strategic relationship with customers, wouldn’t that solve other issuesyou’re having?
Customers wouldvalueyour relationshipand be willing to pay more. They would accept more recommendations, which adds revenue and helps reduce ticket noise levels.
Many of the problems you’re currently having can easily be solved if you put some time and effort into finding the root causes of your problems instead of simply placing band-aids overthem.
For example, if you makevCIOa top priority, you’ll end up focusing on other areas, too. If support or centralized services have issues, they will show up in thevCIOthrough escalated customer issues. Technology alignment must be strong to support thevCIO.
Next, look at how you and each person on your team spends their time each day. Are they using time effectively? Are you? What about time management skills? Do they need to be honed?
Lastly, go one step further to look at process. Is process driving your functions?
For example, if you were to hire a new personfor aroleat your company, how effective would the training be?Would you be able toeasilyshow theindividualthe steps and processes for the position — orwould the trainingonly consist ofshadowing someonefor a few days?
I’m willing to bet that many of the problems your business is currently facing aren’t new. More than likely, they’ve been recycled from your past.
It’s time to put your obstacles behind you by uprooting their causes for good.