The best way to ensure things go from bad to worse for your MSP clients is to not have an incident response (IR) plan in place when you’re hit with a cyberattack. And many MSPs don’t have an IR plan to follow for one simple reason: They don’t know...
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In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies are facing the dual challenges of supporting employees working from home while absorbing the fallout from the associated economic downturn. Although economies are slowly re-opening around the world, it’s unclear just how long it will take to get back to where...
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The security landscape for SMBs and MSPs has changed dramatically over the past several years. Hackers have left their basements and moved into high-rise buildings. They’re nowwell-funded by governments and private organizations. Many cybercriminals are larger and more mature in how they operate their businesses than you or your customers. MSPs have struggled with keeping up with the increasingly complexIT threat...
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If you have not heard about cybersecurity online, in print, or on the news in the last 10 years, exactly how safe are your customers? Cybersecurity has become a serious topic for businesses and consumers. And unfortunately, cyber threats are set aside in favor of other initiatives and become...
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In a COVID-19 world there is a lot to think about and focus on. The most important thing to always keep in mind is the safety of our family and friends, but for better or worse we still have to think about being business owners. Clients need to be...
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In today’s IT environments productivity is necessary, uptime is essential, and security is critical. The latest hardware and software provide layers of protection in hopes of preventing cyber attacks. The newest technology causes most IT providers to forget the weakest link: the end user. A typical user focuses on...
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