With the proliferation of more tools, specifically in the security space, MSPs are seeing an uptick in the average monthly tickets per end user — so, what’s going on? If your monthly ticket numbers haven’t changed much, you may not be tracking them correctly. Also, a point of clarification:...
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In a previous blog post, I talked about how MSPs today have many more tools and technology than ever before. Most of these tools provide integrations to other tools. Of course, this is done through APIs. While integration can help efficiency and make a technician’s job easier, it can...
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Have you recently taken a step back to ask yourself: “What am I doing to deliberately demonstrate the value that I work so hard to deliver to customers?” In the MSP world, “we don’t hear from them much” is simply not an acceptable way to explain an overall client...
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Today we will discuss the topic of standards and why they are important not only to your customers but to you. It is easy to assume that everything you do as an MSP is to benefit your customers, however, you must take care of yourself in order to take...
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We are already over a month into 2021! A new year seems to always bring fresh perspectives, and it feels like the easiest time to start new processes and opportunities. Have you taken the time to understand what exactly this looks like for you and your team? For many...
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While the COVID-19 pandemic has the world upside down at the moment, things are going to get better, and when they do, MSPs must be ready to capitalize. That’s why being able to “look beyond” is key to their success. “First and foremost, we have started to dedicate a lot...
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There are plenty of ways for you to fit the myITprocess software, whichenables MSPs to establish IT standards, create alignment, and develop strategic roadmaps, in with your day-to-day business activities. You just need to determine what works best for you and your clients. “myITprocess is a part of my day-to-day business activities,” said Tiffani Childress, senior...
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While it’s important for all roles in an MSP to communicate well with each other, the Technology Alignment Manager (TAM) and Virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO) need to have very clear communication. They should be having meetings at regular intervals to discuss the Technology Success process regarding their shared...
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Without a doubt, the MSP space is evolving, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic still in effect. Anyone who has been in our industry for as long as I have will tell you that. The bad news is many MSPs are stuck in the past. They haven’t realized yet where...
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Is your MSP a Technology Success Practice (TSP)? A TSP understands the challenges and opportunities for building a strategic relationship with clients and focuses on the client’s success through the proactive management of technology. The vCIO role is one of the more important parts of a Technology Success Practice....
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