In your business and your career, you work to become more competent at your job. Your goal is usuallyto master your current role, but today, I want to suggest a different perspective.
When you begingetting comfortable in your role, it’s time for some change. Now, I’m not talking about something drastic like quitting your job or leaving your business. You have to take on new challenges, switch roles, or find some new and innovative ways to do whatever it is you do.
Ask yourself the following: Will I be more valuable to myself and others if I do exactly what I do nowor if I do something different?
Doing something different might be as simple as developing quarterly initiatives to improve process or metrics in your area of focus. My point is this: You can’t stay in your comfort zone for too long.Eventually, you’re going to have to take a risk by jumping into the deep end of the pool.
Many times, we end up wading in the shallow end of the pool over time, and because of that, forgethow to swim. If you’re a business owner, there are always new challenges to become a betteror more competent businessperson. If your role in the business is the same as it was a year ago, you’re wading in the shallow end of the pool, and it’s time to cross overthesafety rope line.
I’ve spoken with many MSPs recently that have told me that they feel more engaged in their business right nowbecause so much has changed in our industry over the past year— and that’s a good thing.
But if feel stagnant, it’s time for you to switch things up a bit.Look at every delivery area, your go-to-market strategy, how you look at talent. Depending on who you are, this process could beoverwhelming or really exciting.
Either way, it’s time to stop wading in the shallow end and jump into the deep end.