Landing your first few clients isn’t easy, but the more confident you become in yourself and your business over time, the more clients you’ll acquire. To move the needle initially, you’ll need to develop an offering to test and look for prospects in the right spots. Finding yourself takes...
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You meet thousands of people throughout your life, but only a handful impact you in a meaningful way — and here’s the thing: Not all of them are easy to spot, so be patient and curious. I’m very thankful for my career. I’ve owned three successful companies, and with...
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Each day seems to present you with new challenges, but think about it: Are they really all that “new”? When you look back over the course of your career,take into considerationthe problems you’ve faced. Are they the same ones you’re dealing with now? If so, why is that the case? I’ve...
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You’re going to eventually lose a client. It happens at some point to everybody. What matters most is how you deal with it. Instead of dwelling on your loss, move past it by quickly assessing what went wrong,debriefing your employees and continuing to follow up with leads—even during the...
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A few weeks ago, I published a blog post on the rise of private equity money in the channel. Recently, Thoma Bravo, a private equity investment firm, which also owns Continuum and is a major investor in both SolarWinds and Barracuda, acquired ConnectWise (a deal estimated to be worth...
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We at TruMethods encourage all our members to track and measure the results of each service delivery area. While many TruMethods members understand what we’re asking for them to measure when it comes to the majority of service delivery areas, there’s typically a misunderstanding when it comes to evaluating...
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How often are you checking in with your clients? Once a month? Once every quarter? Are you even keeping track? If you’re a vCIO, it’s crucial you tally up a portion of your client interactions. We at TruMethods call these particular interactions “unique client touches.” What is a unique...
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