Calling 2020 a challenging year would be an understatement. The COVID-19 pandemic forced MSPs to reconsider how they were doing business. While many survived, others didn’t. What’s important is that the ones who did, learn from their mistakes.
Throughout the coronavirus crisis, we at TruMethods held webinars, delivered content and provided other resources to ensure that the bulk of our members would come out on the other side. Even though I’ve heard plenty of success stories over the past year or so, I’ve also watched some of our members fall victim to the pandemic’s economic consequences.
The fact that you are reading this means you’re still around. Before tackling 2021’s challenges, look back on what you learned in 2020.As a reminder, here are the top 10 most popular blog posts of 2020 for MSPs.
Top 10 Most Popular Blog Posts of 2020
MSP Standards, Best Practices, and Frameworks. Oh My!
With myITemplates, instead of having to manually add standards, MSPs can select standards templates from the standards library in our myITprocess software.In one of our recent member meetings, we mentioned a large list of templates available in myITprocess by the end of 2020 through the myITemplates repository. The list helps fill gaps in several industries that lack or are under-represented.
By now, you’ve read all about Russia’s hack on the U.S. It’s a huge deal for a variety of reasons, many of which are technical in nature, but while the technical details of Russia’s latest cyberattack are important, the hack itself should be a reminder to MSPs everywhere: assume breach.
Creating templates from scratch is definitely hard work. First, you have to find the source material and ensure it is accurate. Next, you have to try and find a copy that is easy to transfer to myITprocess (TruMethods‘ software framework built specifically for vCIOs). Finally, you have to perform the work of export/import or copy and paste it into a spreadsheet. The process is time-consuming — and in some cases — not worth the effort.
The Power of Long-Term Net Worth Goals
When I ask MSPs to share their business goals, they often reply with their revenue or sales goals. “We’re at two million today, but we want to hit 2.8 million in two years,” they say. When I ask individuals about their financial goals, they often share their income goals. “I make $60,000 today, and in so many years, I’d like to make $100,000,” they say. But here’s the thing: Setting business and personal goals is nearly impossible if your net worth goals aren’t clear.
Selling in A Pandemic: Top Sales Topics for MSPs to Review
Despite this year’s challenges, many of us have weathered the storm, but here’s something to remember: There are more obstacles ahead. Now is not the time to get complacent. Remain vigilant. Before heading into the new year, review some of the sales topics we covered on the TruMethods blog this year.
Top 8 MSP Cybersecurity Blog Posts to Read Before 2021
As you know, cybersecurity attacks are on the rise. In fact, there have been 4,000 cyberattacks a day since the COVID-19 pandemic, according to MonsterCloud. Ensuring your clients and their systems and networks are protected from cybercriminals should be one of your top priorities in 2021. We’ve covered many cybersecurity topics this year on the TruMethods blog. Take some time this month to review them before heading into the new year.
Preparing for Your 2021 MSP Business Plan: Vision, Purpose, Values
Reevaluating your company’s vision, purpose and values before developing your MSP business plan for 2021 is key. Now is also the best time to assess how you can become a better version of yourself and what that foray into personal development could potentially do to help you with putting your business in a better position for 2021.
Creating an MSP Incident Response Plan? Here’s Some Advice
Many MSPs don’t have an IR plan to follow for one simple reason: They don’t know how to develop one. To make things easier for them, Chris Loehr, EVP of Solis Security, and Wes Spencer, CISO of Perch Security, recently joined me on a webinar to discuss what MSPs should know about IR plans. Here are some of the tips Chris gave during our webinar on developing an MSP Incident Response plan.
5 Things MSPs Should be Doing Now to Drive Revenue and Protect Customers
As we make plans for the first quarter of 2021, there appears to be no end in sight for the ongoing economic and political uncertainty that has plagued businesses since March. The cold weather on the way may further exacerbate the COVID-19 pandemic, with cases rising in some regions where the worst seemed to be over. Your MSP clients may continue to struggle both with falling revenues and the challenges of remote work. Here are five things MSPs should do now to keep their businesses healthy heading into the new year.
Keep Your MSP Customers Compliant with myITemplates
Compliance is top of mind for many MSPs in today’s business climate. While there are industry standards for MSPs to comply with, there are also technology standards for them to consider. What if I told you there’s an efficient way to ensure your clients comply with both?